Edward Henry Wehnert
‘A spring of love gushed from my heart’ (FEP136)
the corpse
bewitching, cursing, casting spells
sea (seascape)
parts of ship's interior
(private) prayer; 'Oratione', 'Preghiere', 'Preghiere a Dio' (Ripa)
fashion, clothing
moon as celestial body
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (TUDOR)
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (ELIZABETHAN)
adult man
(personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa)
travelling; tourism
mysterious phenomena and occurrences
seaman: sailor
divination, prognostication ~ magic
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (XVI)
sailing-ship, sailing-boat
dark ages (historical epoch)
medieval history, middle ages (historical epoch)
the ages of man (+ two persons)
(public) prayer
clothes, costume