John Gilbert
‘"Come, Darby," said Mrs. Quale, "Don't take on so. Be a man."’ (ALS016)
the arts; artists (+ later developments)
postures and gestures of arms and hands (+ comforting, consoling)
childhood sorrows comforted
clothes, costume (+ women's clothes)
Pain, Sorrow, Sadness; 'Dolore', 'Dolore di Zeusi' (Ripa)
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (XIX)
leaning figure
moon as celestial body
adult man
adult woman
mourning the dead
clothes, costume (+ men's clothes)
the poor
working class, labourers
interior of the house
city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions
Courage, Bravery, Valiance, Manliness; 'Ardire magnanimo et generoso', 'Gagliardezza', 'Valore', 'Virtù heroica', 'Virtù dell'animo e del corpo' (Ripa)
civic architecture; edifices; dwellings
Calamity, Distress; 'Calamità', 'Calamità o miseria' (Ripa)
Counsel; 'Consiglio' (Ripa)
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (VICTORIAN)
names of cities and villages (LONDON)
head-gear: hat
apron (+ destination or function of clothes)
death of human being
the ages of man (+ two persons)