William Harvey
‘England's Welcome. May-Day, Anno Domini 1862’ (LSP018)
Abstract Ideas and Concepts (+ symbolical representation of concept)
city-view in general; 'veduta'
angel(s) represented as child(ren)
adult woman (+ nude human being)
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (ITALY) (ITALY)
archer's weapons: bow and arrow
adult man (+ nude human being)
predatory birds
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (UNITED KINGDOM) (UNITED KINGDOM)
American negroes
styles in the fine arts (+ Islamic art)
Asiatic races and peoples (JAPANESE)
ornaments, jewels
names of cities and villages (LONDON)
piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture
primitive races and peoples; aborigines (+ variant)
non-European white peoples (NORTH AMERICANS)
(map of) Asia
(map of) Europe
the humanities
personifications of countries, nations, states, districts, etc.
(map of) Africa
dress, gown
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)
head-gear: hat
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (INDIA) (INDIA)
Asiatic races and peoples (MIDDLE EASTERN)
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (ENGLAND) (ENGLAND)
kneeling on both knees
Asiatic races and peoples: Turks
cupids: 'amores', 'amoretti', 'putti'
(showing oneself) undressed, quasi-nude
Asiatic races and peoples (CHINESE)
tools, implements of painter
clothes, costume
masquerade, masked ball
casting weapons: spear
exhibition ~ art
shore-birds and wading-birds: crane
public festivities (+ wreath, garland ~ festive activities)
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (XIX)
embracing each other, kissing
Europe represented allegorically; 'Europa' (Ripa)
bell ~ musical instruments
carpet, rug
beasts of prey, predatory animals: fox
tools, implements of draughtsman
modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (VICTORIAN)
Asiatic races and peoples (ORIENTAL)
hoofed animals: camel
crowd, mob
lyre, cithara, psaltery
animals (+ skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather)
Asiatic races and peoples: Persians
walker and runner birds: turkey
helved weapons, polearms (for striking, hacking, thrusting): javelin
banner, standard (as symbol of the state, etc.)
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (BRITAIN) (BRITAIN)
the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - female human figure
fashion, clothing (+ feathers used for clothes)
head-gear: turban
saddle and bridle (saddlery)
self-propelled flying
colours, pigments, and paints
the ages of man (+ more than eight persons)
insignia and symbols of sovereignty (crown, diadem, sceptre, orb, seal, standard, cloak, pectoral)
Asiatic races and peoples: Indians
being welcomed ~ travelling
geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (GREECE) (GREECE)
protective weapons: shield
handwriting, written text
beasts of prey, predatory animals: tiger
Red Indians, American Indians
(playing with) toys